With over 14 AUTO LPG stations currently established in Hyderabad and Bangalore and with a roadmap to expand into Chennai, Pune and Kolkata and reach 50 stations by end of financial year 2018-19, UNI GAS has emerged as a leading provider of AUTO LPG in India.
UNI GAS has been Ranked # 1 in India for average AUTO LPG sales per outlet for 2016-17.
Samriddhi has tied up with M/s. Essar Oil limited, one of India’s largest private POL marketing company, for providing MS/HSD dispensing facilities, in their AUTO LPG dispensing stations thus providing all fuel facilities in their stations. Samriddhi will be expanding into various other NFR (Non-fuel revenue) activities such as lubricants, advertising and convenience stores to boost the productivity and efficiency of the ROs.

About Auto LPG
Auto LPG is a clean, high octane, abundant and eco-friendly fuel. It is obtained from natural gas through fractionation and from crude oil through refining. It is a mixture of petroleum gases like propane and butane. The higher energy content in this fuel results in a 10% reduction of CO2 emission as compared to MS.
LPG is a gas at atmospheric pressure and normal temperatures, but it can be liquefied when moderate pressure is applied or when the temperature is sufficiently reduced. This property makes the fuel an ideal energy source for a wide range of applications, as it can be easily condensed, packaged, stored and utilized. When the pressure is released, the liquid makes up about 250 times its volume as gas, so large amounts of energy can be stored and transported compactly.
The use of LPG as an automotive fuel has become legal in India with effect from April 24, 2000, albeit within the prescribed safety terms and conditions. Hitherto, the thousands of LPG vehicles running in various cities have been doing so illegally by using domestic LPG cylinders, a very unsafe practice. Using domestic LPG cylinders in automobiles is still illegal.

Auto LPG impacts greenhouse emissions less than any other fossil fuel when measured through the total fuel cycle. Conversion of petrol to Auto LPG helps substantially reduce air pollution caused by vehicular emissions
The financial saving on account of conversion to Auto LPG in comparison to petrol is about 35-40%. Low filling times and the 35-40% saving is a reason enough for a consumer to convert his vehicle to Auto LPG.
Auto LPG Overseas
LPG is popular in Australia, because it is less than half the price of petrol in urban areas and it is locally produced.
There are over 615,000 Auto LPG-powered cars on Australia's roads and over 3,700 refuelling stations. [10] Auto LPG is especially popular with taxis, except in remote areas where transportation costs make Auto LPG prices uncompetitive.
In Belgium, Auto LPG is totally free of excises, but not of VAT. The price of a litre of Auto LPG is at least less than 50% of the price of a litre of diesel, making it the cheapest car fuel available in Belgium. This is a strong incentive for cross-border LPG refuelling trade with neighbouring countries, especially with France, where LPG is much more expensive.
To compensate for the loss of tax revenue, Belgian cars equipped with LPG pay a higher road tax than petrol or CNG cars. In a Government's effort to incentivate the use of LPG cars, the registration tax paid by LPG cars is lower than the registration tax of CNG, petrol and diesel cars because. Thus since 2013, brand-new LPG cars (and LPG cars with less than one year of age) benefit from an important reduction in registration duty.

Despite the fact that Auto LPG is excise free in Belgium, it is the cheapest car fuel in Belgium and that it enjoys an important reduction in registration duty.